We talk so much about rattle snakes around here that the "long stripeys" are ignored, literally. These long garden snakes can zip over the top of mine or David's feet and all we do is give out a gasp, then if memory serves, announce to the other, "Oh, I saw a long stripey today".
Long stripeys move so fast that I thought a picture would be impossible as I've never found one in an inactive state. We have found many rattlers curled up for a nap--best to watch awhile, if a tongue is flickering, the snake is faking sleep.
Not being a snake fancier, I surprised myself by actually enjoying watching these curious snakes watch me as they slither up garden fences, pond banks, and pathways.
My artist neighbor found a large stripey in her pond with her favorite frog in its jaws. She climbed into the pond, pinched its jaws until it let the frog go, then transported the snake to the village park about a mile away. I suspect it beat her home.
This summer we lost all of our vividly colored goldfish that were being protected in a small "incubator" pond until large enough to toss into the big pond without fear of being devoured by the larger fish. I didn't see old stripey eat them but I'm blaming him. If I had caught him in the act he was in no danger of having my favorite fish choked out of his mouth.
Sunday, a baby stripey met his match--Zorro our beautiful watch cat. Zorro takes on squirrels bigger than himself. I've seen baby bunnies, half-grown bunnies and numerous lizards hanging out of his mouth. He brings dead rats up from the dry wash to decorate our pathways. Last summer I saw him in pursuit of a long stripey, claws flashing. Despite being well fed, Zorro eats the rabbits. He is not tempted by rats or snakes, enabling me to get this picture.
FROM THE KNOTHOLE: Hey, I don't know about you, but I think snakes are creepy. Or evil. Some of that mind set probably goes to the biblical role of the snake. And, never mind that some snakes can kill you. Have you ever seen the movie "Anaconda?" Cheesy but frightening. Still, many are drawn to danger or evil, especially when it is packaged with beauty or mystique. For instance, a beautiful but evil woman does not lack companionship. Harmless garden snakes, such as the stripey snakes that have endeared themselves to Badboulderlady, are, in their own way, impishly cute. They are curious and playful, and certainly not a threat. Maybe to frogs and little gold fish, but not to humans. So, my advice is, whether snakes or people, stay away from the evil ones.
a parting shot from bbman: i feel your pain. bill clinton
I like your name for these snakes. I tend to call them 'racers,' for obvious reasons!