Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Airshow late for 4th of July

This afternoon the noise level outside Badboulder reached such great heights that I thought a commercial plane was landing in the southwest part of our yard. The blast was too loud for phone conversation, so I went out on the deck to check. Twenty fighter jets from Luke were flying in horizontal formation, then broke into five groups of four. Each group performed perfect curving dips from the horizontal line, three going west and two toward the east. The white patterns remained in the blue sky for a few minutes. I wish this dramatic presentation had occured during our wonderful 4th of July celebration together--certainly outclassed the fireworks display, which like many in these difficult economic times was done too soon.

This isn't the first time we've marvelled at the powerful flying machines that Luke Air force Base sends our way; however it has been quite a long time since I've seen such spectactular flying. The eerie, empty skies following 911 were broken only by Luke pilots. No one complained of the noise level during those dark days as they flew in low and loud over the Congress/Yarnell area.

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