Long ago and far away, David and I remodeled an old Victorian, now aged to 100 years plus. The original wainscoting was restored and I chose wallpaper above wainscot for two of the rooms. In addition, three bedrooms were adorned with wallpaper on at least one wall. I heard through a friend that when the house was on a grand parade of older homes tour, the new owner said all the wallpaper was mine.
Doesn't everyone change with age? Especially in home decor choices?
Our guest house is so small, there was no spirited discussion on wall color. We agreed that white made for a more spacious look . Not so, the main house. I am quite content with the classic taupe that we both agreed on BUT David insisted on wallpaper--the more the better. Fortunately I had recently read an article on personalizing wallpaper. I'll admit I never thought he would agree to my making the wallpaper when I countered,"Okay, we'll have wallpaper if I can make it myself".
The wall that I used rises from ten to seventeen feet which meant working from scaffolding. My favorite part of the process was selecting art to display. I purchased from used book stores two large books of Italian Renaissance art, fortuitously both were the same dimension. Hard choices were made when I gushed over the pictures displayed on both sides of the same page. Because I like to display the printed word, I included some of the poetry from one of the books and couldn't resist throwing in a few maps of ancient Italy because I liked the background color. I selected several ancient Roman coin prints because their circular shape helped tie corners together on the collage that all this art became. First I sized the new sheet rock wall, then painted on a thin layer of Elmer's glue to a small area at a time. I also painted a thin layer of glue on the backside of my pic, then smoothed it on with wet hands. By trial and error, I discovered that too much smoothing is not a good thing; the results can be "creped" or torn. If a bubble occurred, I just pricked it with a straight pin and pressed out the excess glue.
I loved the results.
FROM THE KNOTHOLE: Hey, it's me, the anchorman of Badboulder, always adhering to truth and objectivity in reporting to you the amazing events that occur behind the green gate in the shadows of Boulder Mountain. The awful truth is, I live in a home with X-rated walls. As you noticed, Badboulderlady called it Italian renaissance art. But, I call it a gratuitous display of genitalia. So, if you come to visit, please don't bring young children.
a parting shot from the bbman: the human female is undoubtedly God's most amazing creature.
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